
My Third Blog

A humble subtitle describing the blog in more details, should be written in sentence-case

  • #blog
  • #diary
  • #example

A Scary Morning

It was 5am in the morning. I woke up from the abyss of a haunting dream, trembling with fear, my senses electrified by the lingering echoes of terror. With every breath, my chest heaved, the cadence of my heart pounding against the walls of my ribcage, as if desperately seeking escape from the clutches of the nightmarish realm that had ensnared me.

I sit up, and sauntered to the washroom. I turned on the tap, relentlessly splashing the freezing water onto my face, trying to calm myself down. I surreptitiously looked into the mirror, aghast. I recalled that I still had yet to complete my programming assignment that will be due this afternoon.

It's Just An Easy Assignment

With the fleetness of a gazelle, I dashed towards my desk, switching on my computer and adding in a final touch to my assignment and submit before it's too late.

吾有名之曰「埃氏篩」。欲行是術必先得「甲」。乃行是術曰    吾有名之曰「掩」。為是「甲」「掩」    「甲」名之曰「甲半」。

    有數名之曰「戊」。恆為是「戊」不小於「甲半」者乃止也        有數名之曰「戌」。恆為是「戌」不小於「甲半」者乃止也
            「合」不大於「甲」                昔之「掩」「合」是矣            若非乃止也        「戌」。昔之「戌」是矣云云    「戊」。昔之「戊」是矣云云
    昔之「戊」是矣恆為是「戊」等於「掩」之長者乃止也        「掩」「戊」。名之曰「素耶」。
        「素耶」者充「諸素」「戊」    「戊」。昔之「戊」是矣云云    乃得「諸素」。

With the submission of my work out of the place, I heaved a sigh of relief and sank myself into the plush embrace of the sofa, a sanctuary of respite. My weary limbs, burdened with the weight of perseverance, found solace in the cushions as I surrendered to the sheer relief that washed over me.